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الموضوع: Excellence in customer service from the inside/out

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Excellence in customer service from the inside/out

Excellence in customer service from the inside/out
Government and private institutions changed the concept of the excellence in the provision of services , depending on the changing concepts in the present, has varied methods used in enterprises and government departments in obtaining customer satisfaction , the beginning of the final inspection on the services provided , through the control of quality assurance is , it has competed global institutions through the concept of quality at the right price until it became the perception among these institutions is expected to business needs and to achieve full satisfaction to him through the quality of the product offered to the client .. because these institutions are providing their services to meet the needs of their customers and this services associated with a world-class specific .
"Customer is right " .. It is the customer . And why is it right? And why everyone is seeking to satisfy ? customer or consumer or adopted are the names of the individuals or institutions receive the information, data or services , or the different types of resources from an external source . It is the opposite of the word supplier or source . This client; all employers and service providers special attention and they know how important it is to the success of their business , which is the real key to reach prosperity , wealth, and the close association of society where you are, that some institutions see that the client is the backbone of survival and continuity and success as well, and see that it is necessary to every one of its members should be aware that his salary could not have come without the presence of the client. It puts , for example, note that sense on your receipt to pay the salaries of its employees. There are some institutions put a logo in brochures distributed by hour staff joining the service. "The most important priority we have is to provide outstanding service to our customers ," and then adds , " used to have the best view on every occasion " We understand from the foregoing that the institution puts great importance to customer attention because the base of the foundation with strong brake survival . They also give employees open authority to use the best opinion he has on every occasion and situation to help the client and satisfied him.
Our choice for the factor of excellence linked to the needs of the client , if we had one of the factors that match the needs of the client's core we would choose that factor , as it will be the field of excellence strongest for us , why it is the strongest? because it gives us a competitive advantage over our competitors in the field , which is more important to the customer.

(From introduction of my book " The skills of Excellency of customer service")

[مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ]

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة جمال صبحي حجير ; 30/3/2014 الساعة 14:36 سبب آخر: justified

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