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تصفح موضوعات في Human Resources Management

Human Resource Management Community provides support & guidance to the HR fraternity providing solutions to concerns re human resources only for English users.

  1. - A Beautiful Presentation

    Dear Friends, Please go through the presentation its really beautiful presentation... Regards,

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 13/5/2010 00:18
    • مشاركات: 29
    • المشاهدات: 54,921
    21/7/2013 06:15
  1. The Benefits of a Well-Trained IT Staff

    As the saying goes, an organization is only as good as its people. But for an organization to remain strong, people need the opportunity to constantly upgrade their skills. This is especially true in...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 00:37
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 4,896
    19/10/2008 00:37
  2. How to Sell Yourself Like a Product?

    Interviewing for a job is in many ways comparable to a sales person making a sale. If you were a sales person and were about to sell a product to a customer you would do some homework or research so...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 18/10/2008 23:34
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 5,868
    18/10/2008 23:34

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