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تصفح موضوعات في Human Resources Management

Human Resource Management Community provides support & guidance to the HR fraternity providing solutions to concerns re human resources only for English users.

  1. - A Beautiful Presentation

    Dear Friends, Please go through the presentation its really beautiful presentation... Regards,

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 13/5/2010 00:18
    • مشاركات: 29
    • المشاهدات: 53,356
    21/7/2013 06:15
  1. How to Sell Yourself Like a Product?

    Interviewing for a job is in many ways comparable to a sales person making a sale. If you were a sales person and were about to sell a product to a customer you would do some homework or research so...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 18/10/2008 23:34
    • مشاركات: 0
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    18/10/2008 23:34
  2. The Benefits of a Well-Trained IT Staff

    As the saying goes, an organization is only as good as its people. But for an organization to remain strong, people need the opportunity to constantly upgrade their skills. This is especially true in...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 00:37
    • مشاركات: 0
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    19/10/2008 00:37
  3. The Employment Application: More Than a Formality

    With a tightening economy, those employers fortunate enough to be hiring cannot afford to make bad hiring decisions. Among other problems, bad hires can result in employee turnover, low production,...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 11:13
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 4,635
    19/10/2008 11:13
  4. Workers Rate Their Bosses

    The need for more inspiration and strong leadership in the workplace is increasingly critical in today's economic climate, according to a new nationwide survey of more than 8,700 workers by...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 11:19
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,361
    19/10/2008 11:19
  5. Failed Wall Street Firms Reveal Important Lessons About Corporate Responsibility

    One of the most important lessons to emerge from the recent failure of several prominent financial institutions is the realization that many business organizations have yet to understand the real...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 11:23
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,634
    19/10/2008 11:23
  6. Effective Employment Reference Policies

    Widespread among employers today is a "neutral reference" strategy in providing references for current or former employees. In fact, many attorneys have urged clients to adopt this policy to decrease...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 11:25
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 6,081
    19/10/2008 11:25
  7. A Seven Step ‘Resiliency Strategy For Difficult Economic Times’ Keeps Employees Motivated

    Employees who are anxious about their futures – especially during a challenging economy such as now – can adversely affect a company’s profitability by delivering poor customer service, being less...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 11:28
    • مشاركات: 0
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    19/10/2008 11:28
  8. The Future Job Market

    The unemployment rate jumped to a five year high this August as more employers continue to cut jobs. This comes as no surprise with the weak economy and struggling financial markets. But what does...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 11:50
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,639
    19/10/2008 11:50
  9. More Than One-Fourth of Plan Sponsors Lack a Funding Policy for Their Defined Benefit Plans

    Economic turbulence, demands for increased financial disclosure, changes in financial reporting and increased pension funding requirements are combining to make defined benefit pension plan risks...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 12:14
    • مشاركات: 0
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    19/10/2008 12:14
  10. Navigating the Slippery Slope of Accountability

    In this situation, how can one ever address poor/weak performance without being labeled “not a team player”? I am a frequent (online) reader of Practical Leadership and would welcome any suggestions...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 12:16
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 2,752
    19/10/2008 12:16
  11. Notes From the Next Generation of Leaders

    All leaders who participate in hiring decisions, pay attention! The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that by 2010, there will be more members of the Millennial Generation than Baby Boomers...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 12:17
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,281
    19/10/2008 12:17
  12. Would Your Employees Pass The Passion Test?

    Not enough passion in your organization? It’s costing you. Gallup estimated that the 22 million workers who consider themselves either actively disengaged or extremely negative in their workplace...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 12:21
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,890
    19/10/2008 12:21
  13. Contract Labor Management: To Outsource or Not?

    The importance of temporary and contract employees on the American work force can’t be denied. In fact, hourly employees make up about 60 percent of the U.S. work force. How companies manage the...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 12:24
    • مشاركات: 0
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    19/10/2008 12:24
  14. Office Politics and Mad Men

    Have you seen the popular new television show-of-the-moment, Mad Men? This multiple-award winning cable program depicts life in an ad agency on New York’s Madison Avenue in the early 1960s. Aside...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 12:25
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,200
    19/10/2008 12:25
  15. Make Sure You Are The Winner at Your Next Job Interview: The Salary Negotiation Dance

    One step forward; one step back; step together, and back again. To perform the job interview salary negotiation dance steps, you must have a good sense of balance. Knowing your value and your worth...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 12:28
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 4,095
    19/10/2008 12:28
  16. Knowledge Transfer is Critical to Companies’ Competitive Edge

    Most companies do not have a plan to manage and transfer knowledge and even fewer factor cross-generational challenges into business strategy, says a new report from The Conference Board, the global...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 12:33
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,298
    19/10/2008 12:33
  17. New Study Shows Older Employees Are Healthiest, Workers in 30s Most at Risk for Illness

    A new study by ComPsych Corporation revealed more than half of workers in their 60s have healthy diets, compared to only 17.7 percent of employees in their 30s. Employees in their 50s and 60s also...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 12:35
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,281
    19/10/2008 12:35
  18. The Pygmalion Effect

    A team does as well as you and the team think they can. This idea is known as “the self-fulfilling prophecy”. When you believe the team will perform well, in some strange, magical way they do. And...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 12:41
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 4,120
    19/10/2008 12:41
  19. Tic Tacs and Surveys - Do They Have Anything in Common?

    You might wonder what do Tic Tacs and employee surveys have in common? Well, I'm sure you will agree that Tic Tacs taste better than surveys, are easier to fit in your pocket and don't cost as much,...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 12:43
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,152
    19/10/2008 12:43
  20. Vendor References Reduce Purchase Risk

    When dealing with purchases of high significance, IT shoppers may spend months, even years, making the purchase decision. A great amount of time and effort is spent defining purchase needs,...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 12:56
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,406
    19/10/2008 12:56
  21. Check current employees for criminal records? Be careful or face the consequences…

    The recent LA Times story on the discovery of current employees with criminal records, and the Los Angeles county supervisor’s suggestion to re-check 100,000 current employees for criminal records,...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 12:59
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,617
    19/10/2008 12:59
  22. Passionate Leaders Rally People to the Cause

    Too many people are indifferent about what they do and are detached from their work. They drift through life like the bumper sticker, "I am neither for nor against apathy." Working with them, or...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 13:05
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 2,993
    19/10/2008 13:05
  23. Why Teams Fail: A Higher Altitude View

    “I don’t know what else to do,” said the HR manager of a large manufacturing company. “We’ve just completed another team-building program to help get rid of the silo mentality and selfish politics...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 13:30
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,068
    19/10/2008 13:30
  24. Tips for Dealing with Desk Rage -- Theirs and Yours

    With rising fuel costs, longer commutes, and threatened layoffs, workplace morale is at an all-time low--and frustration is on the rise. In many cases, workers are being asked to do more work for...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 13:40
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 2,860
    19/10/2008 13:40
  25. Employers Grapple With Impact of Weakening Dollar on Global Compensation Programs

    Recent foreign exchange fluctuations – most notably the rapid decline of the US dollar – affect all elements of compensation, and consequently the attraction and retention of key employees. However,...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 13:43
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,133
    19/10/2008 13:43
  26. Building a Strong Talent Pool When Time is of the Essence

    When the St. Francis Yacht Club of San Francisco needed to hire a new controller and chief financial officer, it turned to the professional recruiters in the San Francisco office of Stanton Chase...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 13:47
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,483
    19/10/2008 13:47
  27. If You Do not Coddle Employees You Want to Keep .. They will Fly The Coop

    To the chagrin of his current employer, Seth, a bright, ambitious 23-year-old recently resigned from the human resources department of a large international company. He had joined the company after...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 14:05
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,833
    19/10/2008 14:05
  28. Bad Behaviors You Should Encourage in the Workplace

    A salesperson really wants to close a deal and agrees to a delivery date manufacturing can’t meet. Manufacturing doesn’t respond quickly to a salesperson with a time-sensitive customer service...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 14:12
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 2,999
    19/10/2008 14:12
  29. More Employers Now Offering Outplacement Assistance For Performance-Related and (Poor Fit) Termination

    More employers today are offering outplacement career-guidance assistance to employees who are terminated due to poor performance, or who are the wrong “fit” for positions, in addition to providing...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 14:34
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,219
    19/10/2008 14:34
  30. How Most Managers Deal with Employee Performance Problems

    Did you ever walk down the sidewalk with a four year old? And your four year old keeps wandering toward the curb and maybe even toward the road and you keep pulling your kid over to the other side of...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 14:36
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,111
    19/10/2008 14:36
  31. AB 10 Revises the Overtime Pay Exemption for Some California Computer Software Engineers

    California, which nurtured Silicon Valley into a global phenomenon, has finally acted to stem the off-shoring of computer jobs by simplifying and reducing the compensation requirement for...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 17:58
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,165
    19/10/2008 17:58
  32. How to Align Change Strategy with Organizational Personality

    Countless change agents and other organizational interventionists fail to achieve desired results because they ignore or are unaware of the need to closely align change strategy with organizational...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 18:09
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 4,176
    19/10/2008 18:09
  33. Employees Need More Than a Warning

    Many businesses use progressive discipline as a strategy to reduce disciplinary infractions. For some employees the strategy has a positive impact while for others it results in receiving additional...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 18:11
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,626
    19/10/2008 18:11
  34. How to Land a Great Job

    To increase your opportunities to move ahead, try implementing the success strategies that my clients have used to land their new jobs: 1. Build a career on your strengths. You have natural talents...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 21:01
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,317
    19/10/2008 21:01
  35. IT Employees are Grumpy the World Over

    A global study by Princeton consultants BlessingWhite finds that fewer than one in four information technology department employees are fully engaged in their work. Of the eight staff areas studied...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 20/10/2008 11:22
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,105
    20/10/2008 11:22
  36. Beyond Efficiency: Building a Broader Business Case for HR Self-Service

    This Briefing Paper explores the business case for investing in employee and manager self-service, from the widely-anticipated efficiency gains for HR functions, line managers and individual...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 20/10/2008 11:25
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,945
    20/10/2008 11:25
  37. An Economic Decision

    Why buy a company when you can cherry pick the employees? Companies often acquire other organizations to attain talent, and do not realize all of the costs involved other than the initial sticker...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 20/10/2008 11:26
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,168
    20/10/2008 11:26
  38. It’s Time for a Greener Approach to Acquiring and Managing Talent

    Rising oil and food prices and the global warming debate may have brought environmental responsibility solidly front-of-mind, but Wall Street shakeups and worsening unemployment statistics have yet...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 20/10/2008 11:28
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 15,840
    20/10/2008 11:28
  39. Cross Border Employee Engagement….Segmenting Talent Populations Makes Sense

    Many organizations, including several of our clients, spend a lot of effort understanding how to increase the levels of employee engagement in their organizations. This is based on years of research...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 20/10/2008 11:31
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,429
    20/10/2008 11:31
  40. Creating an Employee Development Plan

    Summary A successful employee development plan: • Must be tied closely to the work of the individual, the team, and the organization -- both the current work being done and the work that is...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 21/10/2008 14:12
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 7,460
    21/10/2008 14:12
  41. Employee Development Programs

    Police administrators of small law enforcement agencies face great challenges as they seek to provide service with severely limited financial resources. An area often overlooked as having...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 21/10/2008 14:15
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 4,545
    21/10/2008 14:15
  42. Implementing an Employee Training and Development Program

    Employee training and development process Learning happens all the time whether or not you are fully aware of it. Are you a person who forgets to save your work on your computer on a regular basis?...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 21/10/2008 14:17
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 30,577
    21/10/2008 14:17
  43. What is Organization Design?

    What is Organization Design? ________________________________________ A process for improving the probability that an organization will be successful. ________________________________________...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 27/10/2008 11:19
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,979
    27/10/2008 11:19
  44. Role of HR

    As a business partner to the management team, human resources (HR) serves as a key adviser in all areas of HR related matters. HR supports and enhances the Company’s organizational activities at the...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 27/10/2008 12:57
    • مشاركات: 1
    • المشاهدات: 4,643
    29/10/2008 06:24
  45. Why Should I work for You?

    I'm a big fan of audio learning programs. I recently listened to an interview with Vic Conant of Nightingale-Conant talking about the shift in their program sales. In the 80s and 90s, program sales...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 19/10/2008 21:00
    • مشاركات: 2
    • المشاهدات: 4,223
    3/11/2008 16:02
  46. Orientation

    New Employee Orientation Audio

    كتبت بواسطة khalildon, 4/11/2008 10:17
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 3,812
    4/11/2008 10:17
  47. Doing Business in China For Dummies

    ntroduction For many Westerners, something about China is so intense and exciting that it’s a social glue among those who’ve spent some time there. We met through a mutual acquaintance who knew we...

    كتبت بواسطة emadelokr, 4/11/2008 11:06
    • مشاركات: 0
    • المشاهدات: 2,824
    4/11/2008 11:06
  48. Employee Hiring

    A useful check list for Employee Hiring

    كتبت بواسطة khalildon, 4/11/2008 10:03
    • مشاركات: 6
    • المشاهدات: 5,581
    5/11/2008 10:52
  49. Success or Failure in Meetings Is Earned!

    Are too many company meetings (as planned by The Other Guy, of course) falling short of expectations these days? Have you wondered why? Were those failed meetings complete in their construction?...

    كتبت بواسطة أحمد نبيل فرحات, 20/10/2008 11:30
    • مشاركات: 1
    • المشاهدات: 3,005
    5/11/2008 14:39
  50. help

    i want ansower this question but i dont have information, any body can help me. thanks The European navigator begins with a plan-a course-which he has charted according to certain universal...

    كتبت بواسطة anas1bash, 23/10/2008 08:36
    • مشاركات: 1
    • المشاهدات: 2,934
    6/11/2008 12:26

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