أتمنى من الأعضاء والمشاركين في هذا المنتدى مساعدتي في التأكد من حل هذه الإسئلة المتخصصة في الإدارة ولكم جزيل الشكر..

Read the following statements carefully and decide which is true and which is

1. In general, once the procedure or procedures are no longer necessary, the
organization should add a new one without deleting or eliminating the old one. (√ )
2. The term administration and management are not the same since administration is
used for the higher executive function in government while management is used for
same function but in the business world. (√ )
3. Middle managers are people who are responsible to direct the activities in such a
way to achieve organization goals. (√ )
4. One of the important functions of a supervisor is to communicate employees
problems to the higher management. (√ )
5. Executives are peoples holding jobs or functions that are related to top-level
management and are responsible for preparing strategic plans. (√ )
6. Planning is primary concerned with the future trends and situation in which other
organizations have to work. (√)
7. Forecasting is an important function of the planning process it offers many
advantages such as, assess the opportunities and threats to reduce profit. (x )
8. The need for planning is usually important in many aspects such as to gain
objectives and to increase organization effectiveness. (√ )
9. Responsibility arises from the superior-subordinate relationship and cannot be
delegated. (x)
10. The concept of acceptance authority means that power is given or pass because of
the social institution of the individual manager(√).
11. When an organization is weak in its strategies, this means that this organization
knows its desired position in the future. (x )
12. When there is a high cooperative relationship and high dual communication system
among employees, this means that the organization is almost free of conflict. (x )
13. Organizing refer to the formal grouping of employees and activities to facilitate
achievement of objectives. (x)
14. When a manager judges people because of his potion about them and not because
their abilities, then there is no favoritism in his judgment. (x )
15. When each executive can easily adjust the organization to change in the business
situation, it means there is a flexibility and the organization follow matrix system.
(√ )
16. Military or line system, functional systems and hybrid design are three of five types
of organizing personnel in the firm. (√ )
17. There are only two classification of managerial decisions making, programmed and
non-programmed, major and non-major. (x )
18. In general, there are seven types of plan of which standing plans and single-use
plans are some of them. (√ )
19. Lower-level management, do not supervise other managers and will not deals with
very important decision in the organization. (x)
20. Ineffective communication is one of the difficulties normally experienced in
decision-making. (√)
21. Line organization is the most easiest type of organization to establish and the most
simplest to explain to employees. (√ )
22. To ensure excellent discipline you need to use matrix system organization to
produce the desired result. (√ )
23. Line system organization, most of the business houses use it to ensure the separation
of mental and manual function. (√ )
24. Staff Organization has been found to be not successful when there are limited
resources to be shared. (x )
25. Functional Organization does not demand high level of interpersonal skills. (x )
26. Most corporations make heavy use of developing financial techniques such as
budgetary planning in their decision making. (√ )
27. Decision making is a process of selecting the best possible alternatives and is not the
end product. (√ )
28. In the Carrot and Stick approach, the stick represent money and the carrot represent
vacation. ( )
29. Maslow`s recognized five basic human needs which constitute a "hierarchy". (√)
30. The level of esteem needs includes sense of achievement, recognition from others,
self respect and being useful. (√)

Multiple Choice
1. The function that deals with developing a frame of reference to identify
opportunities and threats, and deals with the future is:
A- Decision – making function. ((√B))- Planning.
C- Organizing. D- Directing.

2. Grouping similar tasks into functions and the related functions into departments is
one important function of:
A- Decision – Making function. ((√B))- Staffing.
C- Planning. D- Organizing.
3. Strategies and policies in an organization is usually prepared by:
A- Lower – level management. B- Middle management.
((√C))- Top – level management. D- All answers are wrong.
4. One of the manager`s function is to:
A- Motivate his/ her employees.
B- Discourage his subordinates from working hard.
((√C))- Motivate his / her supervisors. D- Count the weekly production.
5. To achieve management objectives, managers pursue:
A- Customer dissatisfaction. B- Efficient use of resources.
C- Adequate return on capital. ((√D))- ( B + C ).
6. An organization is simply defined as:
((√A)))- People with formally assigned roles working together to achieve stated goals.
B- People who delegate their work to outside employees.
C- People un-formally working to satisfy their needs.
D- All the above.
7. A manager needs to have three basic kinds of skills:
((√A))- Technical, Human and Conceptual Skills.
B- Technical, Horse-riding, and Training skills.
C- Human, Running and Conceptual skills.
D- D- Non of the above.
8. Superimposing of one or more forms of project structure on top of an existing one
will create:
A- Organizing divisions to promote marketing.
B- An organization that focus on the need of its particular buyers.
C- A territorial departmentalization each tends to be self contained.
((D√))- A matrix organization.
9. The study of Structure, performance, functioning of an organizations and the
behavior of its employees are known as:
((√A))- Line of authority. B- Organization Theory.
C- Mass production firms. D- Non of the above.
10. The function that includes how, when, and by whom each of the organization task
takes place is called:
A- Policies. B- Objectives.
((√C))- Procedures. D- Strategies.
11. To bridge the gap from where one is to where one wants to be, one needs to:
((√A))- Produce graduate students. B- Do Planning.
C- Manufacturing goods. D- Non of the above.
12. Operational and Strategic plans differ in terms of the:
A- Time period. B- Range of organizational activities.
C- Don't differ. ((√D))- (A+B).
13. For any organization planning is important because:
A- Objectives should be more concrete and tangible.
B- Uncertainties of the Future.
C- Effectiveness of the organization.
((√D))- All of the above.
14. What an Organization wants to be or wants to be known for is vividly stated in its:
A- Mission. B- Training.
C- Vision. ((√D))- Non of the above.
15. To take an organization from certain position to a different position you need to
A- Objectives. B- Procedures.
C- Policies.(( D√))- Strategies.
16. Structuring an organization around, Product, Or Customers Or Location is Known
A- Divisional departmentation. B- Flat organization.
((C√))- Horizontal organization. D- Diagonal organization.
17. To Coordinate and integrate organization goals and activities you need to have:
A- Human skills. ((B√))- Conceptual skills.
C- Technical skills. D- Management skills.
18. The word that is completely opposite to Centralization:
((A√))- Delegation. B- Autocracy.
C- Decentralization. D- Dictatorship.
19. To know how a system is performing over a period of time you can measure:
A- Material Productivity. B- Labor Productivity.
((C√))- Capital Productivity. D- Any of the above.
20. When everyone knows whom he is responsible for, then we have a:
A- No Clear situation. B- Mixed responsibilities.
C- Vagueness ((D√)) Fixed responsibility..
21. To influence your employees to work willingly toward goal achievement you need:
A- To get what you want by force.
B- To make your employees work as hard as possible.
((C√))- Leadership skill.
D- To order your employees to make the highest profit.
22. Traditional Approach to motivation uses:
A- Hygiene theory. B- Carrot and Stick approach.
((C√))- Need Theory. D- All of the above.
23. A leader means:
((A√))- Having the power to act and Having the authority to run business with.
B- Having the potential to run for manager again.
C- Having persistent personality.
D- Reviewing a leadership situation, identifying and formulating actions.
24. Maslow's Need theory recognizes:
A- Physiological and security needs. B- Self – actualization needs.
C- A affiliation and esteem needs. ((D√))- All of the above.
25. Leaders can improve their traits by taking the following steps:
A- Increase their knowledge, and de-bias their judgment.
((B√))- Be creative responsible and use their intuition.
C- Make sure the timing is right and not overstresses their decision to be final.
((D√))- All of the above.
26. A leader's authority most commonly stems from:
A- The position to whisk the person is appointed and by being dependable.
B- The fearful treatment he uses on his employees.
C- His objective to become authoritative.
((D√))- All of the above.
27. Types of employment test include:
A- Achievement tests. B- A aptitude tests.
C- Physical tests. ((D√))- (A+B).
28. An inter-national manager need to know:
A- How to carry out the management functions on an international scale.
B- The economic systems, exchange rate of the countries doing business with.
C- The political risks, legal, and cultural differences.
D- All of the above.
29. A leader must provide:
A- Customers goods and full assistant.
B- Full stock to maximize profit.
((C√))- A direction toward which employees can work.
D- Non of the above.
30. Some of the disadvantages of having matrix organization are:
A- Develops employees skill, challenges team members, free top management.
B- Lead to slower decision making and less responsiveness.
((C√))- High cost, time consuming, power struggles and conflicts, duplication of efforts.
D- Responsibilities for overall performance with chief executive only.
31- Monitor role is a kind of …………………..
a- interpersonal role ((b√))- informational role c- decision role
32- Management roles are interpersonal role, informational role and ……………….
a- supervisor's role b- figurehead role ((c√))- decision role
33- Leader role is a kind of ……………………..
((a√))- interpersonal role b- informational role c- decision role
34- - resource Allocator role is a kind of ……………………….
a- supervisor's role b- figurehead role ((c√))- decision role
35- In the ……………. role, the manager represents the company legally and socially to
those outside of the organization
a- figurehead ((b√))- liaison c- monitor d- negotiator
36- There are three roles in management roles. (put ((√true)) or false)
37- Business environments are economic, social, political and …………….
a- informational b- technical ((√c-)) legal d- decision
38- The ……………. environment is made up of the attitudes, desires, expectations,
degrees of intelligence and education, beliefs, and customs of people in a given group
or society.
a- economic ((b√))- social c- legal d- political
39- The …………..……..environment depends on the attitudes and actions of political
and government leaders and legislators do chance the ebb and How of social demands
and beliefs.
a- economic ((b√))- social c- legal d- political
40- The ……………………..environment includes laws, regulations.
a- economic b- social ((c√))- legal d- political
41- ……………..includes Prevention of environmental pollution and ecological
imbalance and Overall development of the locality where the business is situated
((a√))- economic objectives b- social objectives c- political objectives
42-…………. is the process of planning, organizing, coordinating, leading, motivating
and controlling the resources
a- business b- management ((c√))- administration d- management skills
43- …………….is a person who plans, organizes, leads, and controls human, financial
physical and information resources in the efficient and effective pursuit of specified
organizational goals
a- supervisor b- manager c- employee ((d√))- management
44- …………………….. developing a futuristic frame of reference from which to
identify opportunities and threats
a- controlling b- directing c- organizing ((d√))- planning
45- …………………..is the management function of assigning duties, grouping
establishing authority, and allocating resources required to carry out a specific.
a- controlling b- directing ((c√))- organizing d- planning
46- ……………. is the management function of influencing, motivating, and directing
hi resources towards the achievement of organizational goals.

47- ……………. is the management function of monitoring organizational perform
towards the attainment of organizational goals.
((a√))- controlling b- directing c- organizing d- planning
48- …………..is the ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people as
individuals or in groups.
((a√))- human skill b- conceptual skill c- economic skill
49-is the ability to coordinate and integrate the organization's goals and activities.
a- human skill ((b√))- conceptual skill c- economic skill
50- …………………. consists of a small group of people and is responsible for the
overall management of an organization.
((a√))- top level management b- upper middle management
c- middle management. d- lower-level or first line management.
51- …………………. consists of heads of various functional divisions
a- top level management ((b√))- upper middle management
c- middle management. d- lower-level or first line management.
52- In the …………….. role, the manager represents the company legally and socially
to those outside of the organization
a- liaison ((b√))- figurehead c- leader d- monitor
53- In the …………….role , the manager receives and collects information. The
information collected, by scanning the environment, facilitates managerial decisionmaking
a- liaison b- figurehead c- leader ((d√))- monitor
54-The types of planning are single use plans and ……………..
a- suitable plans ((b√))- standing plans c- standing plans
55- ………………is an example of single use plans.
a- policies ((b√))- budgets c- methods d- objectives
56- ……………..is a process of determining the major objectives of an organization
and the policies and strategies that will govern the acquisition and use of resources to
achieve those objectives.
a- controlling ((b√))- corporate planning c- organizing
57- Strategic and operational plans differ in Time horizon, scope and ……
((a√))- little details b- large details c- no details
58 - …………………. refers to the structure of jobs and positions with clearly defined
functions and relationship as prescribed by the top management and bound by rules,
In addition, procedures.
((a√))- formal organizations b – informal organizations c-directing
59- ………………………… refers lo the relationships between people in an
organization based not on procedures and regulations but on personal attitudes
a- formal organizations (( b√)) – informal organizations c-directing
60- There are ……………..types of organizations.
a- 3 b- 4 ((c√))-5 d- 6
61- The merits of ………………….are simplicity , unified control, strong discipline,
fixed responsibility and prompt decisions.
a- Military or Line system b- Functional system
c- Line and staff system ((d√))- Matrix system
62 - ………………… is that condition wherein much of the decision-making authority
is retains at the top of the managerial hierarchy
((√a))- Centralization b- decentralization c- authority.
63- ……………………. is that condition wherein much of the decision-making
authority is pushed downward to the lower management levels.
a- Centralization ((b√))- decentralization c- authority.
64 - ……………………. is "legal or rightful power that gives a right to command or to
a- Centralization b- decentralization ((c√))- authority d- responsibility
65 - ………………… may be defined as the obligation of a subordinate to whom a
duty has been assigned, to perform the duty.
a- Centralization b- decentralization c- authority ((d√))- responsibility
66 - …………………cannot be delegated.
a- Centralization ((b√))- decentralization c- authority d- responsibility
67- The principles of delegation are functional definition, Scalar principle, Authority level
Principle, unity of command and ………………..
((a√))- principle of directing b- Principle of parity c- principle of coordinating
68 -…………………. is the activity of interpersonal influencing people to strive
willingly for group objectives.
a- supervisor ((b√))- Leadership c- directing d- administration
69-Supervision can broadly be classified as close supervision and ………supervision
a- open b- hard c- near ((d√))- general
70 -………………… reduces the worker's effectiveness.
((a√))- close supervision b- general supervision c- no supervision
71- ………….. gives the employees a chance to develop their talents; they learn to
make decisions by being in a position to make them
a- close supervision ((b√))- general supervision
c- controlling d- directing
72 -………….derive their authority from the group rather than imposing it upon them.
a- workers b- leaders ((c√))- subordinates
73- There are kinds of leaders and they are autocratic leaders , participative leaders and
((a√))- free reign-leaders b- honest leaders c- self confident leaders
74- ……………. Factors include challenge, chance for personal growth and
performance feedback.
((a√))- outcomes b- motivating c- satisfaction d- Physiological
75 - Mccellands's three needs are the need for achievement, the need for power, and
((a√))- the need for authority b- the need foe love c- the need for affiliation
76 - Leadership treats are self confident, responsibility, warm, sensitive and ………….
a- experience b- good c- weak ((d√))- intelligent
77- The first level of …………. includes food, air, water, sleep, shelter, sex, and any
other necessities to sustain and preserve life.
a- safety needs b- social needs
((c√))- physiological needs d- Esteem needs
78 - ……………….. include the need to be liked by others, to be a wanted member,
and to belong to a group other than just a family.
a- safety needs ((b√))- social needs
c- physiological needs d- Esteem needs
79- ……………….include the need for self-respect, sense of achievement, and
recognition from others.
a- safety needs b- social needs
c- physiological needs ((d√))- Esteem needs
80- Herzberg categorized needs of individuals into two groups. Motivation factors
and ……………….
a- outcomes b- motivating ((c√))- hygiene d- Physioligica
81 - Planning identifies commitments to action intended for future accomplishments.
While , …………………… function is performed to ensure that the commitments are
carried out.
((a√))- organizing b- controlling c- directing d- managing
82- Controlling consists of a process made up of Measuring performance,
comparing performance with the standard and …………………
((a√))- correcting unfavorable deviation b- correcting the current plane
c- changing the plane d- directing the plane
83- ……………………… is determining what is being accomplished.
((a√))- directing b- planning c- controlling d- organizing
84 - Controlling consists of a process made up of the following three definite,
measuring performance, comparing performance and Correcting unfavorable
((a√))- performance b- deviation c- administration d- management
85- Some difficulties in decision-making are incomplete information, unsporting
environment, ineffective communication and …………..
a- lack of experience b- lack of leaders
((c√))- incorrect timing d- lack of sources
86- The importance of a decision depends upon Flexibility of plans, Certainty of goals
and premises, Human impact and ……………………..
a- good planning b- good controlling
((c√))- correct timing d- Size or length of commitment
87 - In evaluating alternatives , there are certain tangible factors to be assessed in terms
of, man-hours, machine-hours, unit of output, rates of return on investment and the
other factors are …………………
a- motivation factors b- intangible factors
c- helping factors d- main factors
88 - Some approaches that used in decision making are Scientific management
techniques, Human relation techniques, Empirical techniques, Financial techniques,
Decision theory techniques and ………………….
a- Mathematical model techniques b- economic techniques
c- social techniques d- political techniques
89 - The elements of a decision-making process are the decision-maker,
the decision problem, the decision environment, objectives of the decision-maker, the
available alternative, the outcome expected and …………………………….
a- the culture of decision maker b- the size of organization
c- the final choice of the alternative d- quality of leader
90- ……………………….. is the process of selecting a course of action from among
a- organizing ((b√))- decision making c- planning d- directing
91 - ………………. signifies individual and group activities directed toward wealth
generation through exchange of goods and services.
a- management b- business c- administration d- directing
92 - The objectives of business are two-fold: economic and ………….
a- legal b- political c- science ((d√))- social
93 - …………………….are responsible for communicate employees problems to the
higher management.
a- workers b- managers ((c√))- supervisor d- lead