الموضوع: Treat your failure and deal with it; it is not the end!
Treat your failure and deal with it; it is not the end!
Failure and success are two collateral or parallel results and might occur equally in our life. To change the possibility for any of them, it depends on how we invest the success in order to keep going successfully, or how we deal with the failure, so we can learn from the mistakes and change our strategy , in order to surpass it and achieve the success.
In addition, failure and success are the results for any process, effort or project we are performing, whether at work or in our personal life and every person deals differently with them, and it depends on experience, circumstances and confidence.
Even with our best efforts, sometimes we fail. And it can be very hard to deal with. The pain could be so big that it just swallows us up, and make us feel it is impossible to bounce back.
But it is important to know that failure is a natural part of life, and that it is something every one of us has to go through at some point in life. Right from our babyhood days when we tried unsuccessfully, several times, to stand up and walk, life always throws challenges at us.
It is nice to get success as it is hard to fail; it is nice to know that our work and strategies were efficient and true, so they led to success, and it is kind of pain to know that we wasted time and our strategies and performance were not enough so we ended up failed. Therefore it is very important to know how to act or react in case of failure and how to retain our success to avoid failure.
Sometimes it is matter of luck, and most of the time it is because our mistakes that we can control and correct.
Yet, even when we know that we must take a few losses in our journey towards success, we still might find it difficult to deal with failure. Grief, frustration, guilt, despair and even anger are common reactions to failure. We should know that we can resolve these feelings and bounce back from failure.
The point is how to deal with failure, how to correct mistakes, and be in the right path, especially most of the reactions are emotionally expressed like anger, sadness, frustration, and being pessimist. Therefore controlling these “psychological” reactions is the main practice we must follow in case of failure, and always remember that failure is not the end of life, and don’t be pessimist, be confident and make your failure the first lesson for success.
Hence I’ll list five important steps that help us to deal with our failure:
1. Be graceful: The first step in dealing with failure is to be graceful about it. Remember that not everyone even gets an opportunity to try in the first place. Be grateful for the opportunity, and congratulate the winner. Learning to be graceful in losing is an important lesson in your life. Mastering that lesson will only help you grow as a person.
2. Take the time to heal: When we fail, we need to take some time off to deal with our varying emotions of hurt pride, guilt, resentment etc. Letting ourselves feel such emotions is the first step to healing. We cannot go on with a healthy attitude unless we feel and let go of them. Once we have sufficiently grieved our loss, it is time to shake ourselves out of the pity party and move on.
3. Don't label yourself a failure: It is easy to think of ourselves as a failure, especially when we repeatedly suffer losses. But we need to remember that failure is a thing; not a person. We need to consciously fight the negative voices inside (or even outside!) us that label us as a failure. We haven't failed until we stop trying.
4. Learning experience: Failure can be a great learning experience. It gives us time to re-evaluate our strategy, identify our weak points and work on them. We get to understand the winner's methods. We get an opportunity to better ourselves and come back stronger. Failure is just life's way of giving us a chance to improve.
5. The survivor attitude: The key to always bouncing back from failures is to have the survivor attitude. Never give up on yourself. Remember that as long as you learn from your mistakes and keep going, success is inevitable. Be courageous. As Mary Anne Radmacher once said, "Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I'll try again tomorrow."
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تعلم كيفية استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي في الإدارة الاستراتيجية والتي تهدف إلى تعزيز عمليات صنع القرار وتحسين الأداء الاستراتيجي للمنظمات، واستخدام التقنيات والأدوات الذكية لتحسين عمليات صنع القرار وتحقيق الأهداف الاستراتيجية للمنظمات، تتضمن هذه التطبيقات استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي في تحليل البيانات الكبيرة وتوقع المستقبل، وتحسين الأداء الاستراتيجي وتحديد الاتجاهات المستقبلية.
برنامج يتناول استخدام مؤشرات الاداء الرئيسية في اعمال التخطيط للطلب والعرض وادارة المشتريات وعمليات تشغيل الموردين وادارة المخازن واعمال الشحن.