How to Excel at Reference Checking When Recruiting
So you reference checked your new employee and they're struggling on the job, so what went wrong? How can you ensure your reference check is a true prediction of performance when recruiting?
Reference checks not only tell you whether to consider someone for employment but can also highlight how to manage a person, or indicate what sort of training they may require.
New Zealand is one of the last bastions of reliable reference checking. We don't have the risk adverse attitude of the US, now prevalent in the UK and Australia, where company employees sometimes are banned from providing references to past employees. I once refused to sign a company's US written Code of Conduct, which asked me to not provide references. As a recruiter I felt morally obliged to provide references especially since there was no issue within NZ for doing so. New Zealand is one of the few countries with laws (Privacy Act s.29 (1)(b) & (3)(a)) that protect the referee, though it's unlikely this is why reference checking remains common as most referees aren't aware of this. It's more likely our culture of 'self-responsibility' - I doubt that it would even occur to the average New Zealander to sue the company who provided a good reference for someone who didn't perform. So how can you ensure you're getting the best out of a reference check?
Use references to choose between two close candidates. It's amazing what extra perspective you can gain.
Give the responsibility of references to the person who will manage the employee. They will have to deal with any aftermath so ensure they have their say.
Follow a template structure but probe further dependent on the referees' responses, for instance if a referee states someone was average - you need to know why, and benchmark what they consider average.
Be aware of the occasional company who are trying to off load a non-performing employee. Luckily most people remember the law of karma, and realise what goes around comes around.
Align your questions with the interview questions you asked the candidate so you hear the other side of the story about what a candidate did. Competency based reference questions are valuable, such as 'Tell me about the time the candidate did... (whatever the candidate told you in interview). Compare the two versions. Let reluctant overseas referees know of a referee's protection under the NZ Privacy Act.
Be nervous about ringing cell phone numbers for referees, it's the reality of a mobile world. If the structure and content of the reference is right, any invalid referees will be easily revealed.
Reference check unless you are serious about the candidate. If the candidate is active in the marketplace the referee may be tired of providing information, so everyone misses out.
Get your agency to reference check for you - remember they want the candidate to do well so quality and depth of agency references can vary enormously.
Be so enthralled with a star candidate that you only ask questions that will confirm your thoughts. Ring your contacts at a candidates previous companies and enquire 'if they might have known' the candidate. You can only call referees the candidate has approved or you are in breach of the Privacy Act.
I have had cases when someone has given a bad reference, as they didn't want to lose an employee, and also an overly enthusiastic reference when someone has tried to offload someone. If the referee sounds vague, is unable to go into detail on a candidate's achievements or are making broad sweeping statements, check they are who the candidate says they are or whether they still remember the candidate sufficiently well. Consider a third reference to get a more holistic picture.
References not only lessen mis-hires but also highlight star candidates who may have been a little bland at interview. By adding another piece of the puzzle to the candidate story (and a solid recruitment process) you will be better positioned to make a well-informed decision.
Check [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ] for free reference check templates.
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كلما كنت قادرا على تحليل المواقف والاشخاص ودراسة المشكلات واكتشاف أسبابها وعلاقاتها كلما كنت قادراً على النجاح في عملك وفي هذه الدورة التدريبية سنؤهلك لاكتساب مهارات الإبداع والتفكير النقدي وحل المشكلات وسيتم تدريبك على استخدام عدد من الأدوات التي تعزز هذه المهارات لديك