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الموضوع: 18 Steps to Starting Your Business

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18 Steps to Starting Your Business

This business start-up book has been written for new business owners and for small business training instructors. Thank you for choosing 18 Steps to Starting Your Business as the tool to help you start your new business or to use as a textbook in your entrepreneurial classes. We hope that it will prove to be of great help to you.

It has often been said that, "You can run your business by the seat of your pants-but you will probably end up with torn pants." One of the principal reasons for business failure is the lack of proper planning. In today's world, both small and large businesses have come to understand that they need to take the time to evaluate their business potential and map a plan for the future. Start-up is where the planning and implementation begins.

It is the goal of this book to give a clear, concise, and easy-tounderstand process to follow during business start-up. I have been working with business owners for many years and most of them have the same problem-they are experts in their industries, but are novices when it comes to knowing how to start and operate a business.

About the author
Linda Pinson is an award-winning author, business planning expert, speaker, consultant, and nationally recognized business educator with a specialty in financial management and small business curriculum development. The author of nine popular entrepreneurial books, she has also developed and published the bestselling business plan software program, Automate Your Business Plan. Linda's books are widely
used as curriculum in colleges, universities, and entrepreneurial training centers. They have been translated into several foreign languages including Spanish, Chinese, and Italian. Anatomy of a Business Plan has been localized in Australia and the UK.

Linda resides in Tustin, California with her husband Ray. She is an avid golfer (one hole-in-one) and bowler, paints watercolors, and loves to fish. Linda and Ray have two sons, two daughter-in-laws, one grandson, and one granddaughter (all great, of course).
الصور المرفقة

الصورة الرمزية TAMER2003
TAMER2003 غير متواجد حالياً مستشار
نبذه عن الكاتب
المملكة العربية السعودية
مجال العمل
تجارة ومحاسبة

رد: 18 Steps to Starting Your Business

thanks alot for this book
tamer 2003

الصورة الرمزية kamba
kamba غير متواجد حالياً مستشار
نبذه عن الكاتب
المملكة العربية السعودية
مجال العمل
موارد بشرية

رد: 18 Steps to Starting Your Business

really wonderful book
thanks for your sharing

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