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الموضوع: How to be a mentor?

الصورة الرمزية Bosaeed
Bosaeed غير متواجد حالياً تحت التمرين
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How to be a mentor?

Dear All,

I need your support and cooperation in "How to be a mentor?"

I have a project that to prepare mentors from different public sectors industries and at the end it should be a high level presentation to the board directors. So, what do you think should I include in the presentation?

I appreciate your cooperation.

Thank you

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رد: How to be a mentor?

Dear Mr "BoSaeed",

So do you mean you need tips about how to be a good mentor for employees?

Below are some tips on how to be a good mentor; I hope that will help in your project
Being a mentor means the person should have good qualifications or Training, advising and orienting.
Mentoring is a very rewarding thing someone can do. Mentor's need to show respect, high morals and how to be a productive part of society. Talking and showing these things are important for mentor's to do.
Some instructions to follow when you are mentoring:

1. Teach by example: A mentor's focus should be to help a less experienced person acquire the knowledge and character needed to meet his or her goal. They provide opportunities for growth and new experiences.
You will not always have a cooperating person to mentor, so your approach is important. If you come on too strong like a "know it all", the result can be a distancing of that person you are trying to mentor. If at all possible put yourself in that person's shoes. For some this is a daunting task and for others it fits easily and smoothly too. You will certainly reach out to the person you wish to mentor if this can either be pictured by you or if you have experienced what you are sharing.

2. Counsel the mentee wisely: Provide the benefit of your knowledge and experience keeping in mind that because of unique personalities every situation is different. However, an explanation of how you handled certain situations can get the mentee thinking about how to solve their own problems.

3. Offer encouragement: Most people become stagnant out of fear. Fear of failure, fear of success and fear of something different. The mentor will need to encourage the mentee and help them over self-doubt.

4. Encourage professional behavior and confront negative behavior: Teach the mentee how to dress and act professionally. Teach him or her social graces and proper [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ]. When the mentee performs poorly or act badly, call them on it - in private. But as a mentor, you must let them know when certain actions are unacceptable.

5. Challenge the mentee: To encourage growth, you must challenge the mentee. Give them opportunities that they would not normally have at their level. Be with them throughout the project to make sure it is going well. At the end, publicly acknowledge their contribution, if appropriate.

6. Be patient: It might take some time to build a rapport with a person, especially if you sought them out or if they are not completely willing to be mentored at all. Don't attempt to dive in deeply within a short time. The timing is linked to patience in a very significant way.

7. Listen to mentee: Listen intently to the hidden words as well as look for traditional body language signs that suggest things to you. Hear more than you speak at any given mentoring time, unless it is mandatory for you to talk more than listen. You will know those times.

8. Make sure that information is delivered properly: Mentoring is not just about what mentor knows, but how he/she can bring what they know into someone else's life for better outcomes. Often times you might wonder what good is information unless you give it to someone for a good cause. Mentoring falls right in the core of that giving thought.

Know what mentee needs and provide with the right helpful information.

الصورة الرمزية fatma tairy ahmed
fatma tairy ahmed غير متواجد حالياً مبادر
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رد: How to be a mentor?

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رد: How to be a mentor?

Thanks for reading it and commenting "Fatma" ... Regards

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دبلوم اعداد الاخصائي النفسي الرياضي

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