بسم الله الرحمن ...
قررت ان اكتب عن الادراه باللغه الانجليزيه حتي اطور مهاراتي
و في نفس اتشارك معكم مصطلحات الاداره و التي كثيرا ما نقابلها
في كتب الاداره الاجنبيه ... و انتظرو مني المزيد لدي دراستي
و بالطبع اعزروني علي ضعف صياغه الحوار ... علي الاقل
حتي احصل علي شهاده التويفل قريبا
Departmentalization ِ
Is the the process of grouping jobs into manageable units according to some reasonable scheme . the bases are :
1- By Function :group all jobs that relate to the same organization activity .
2- By product : groups all activities related to a particular product or service
3- By location : groups all activities according to the geographic area in which they are performed .
4- By Customer : groups all activities according to the needs of various customer groups .
is the third major step in the organization process is to distribute power in the organization .
Delgation of authority
. Assigns part of a manger's work and power to a subordinate
how to delegate the the authority ?
the steps :
1- the manger must assign responsibility (the duty to do a job or perform a task ) .
2- The manger must grant authority
(the power, within the organization to accomplish an assigned job or task
3- The manger must create accountability
(The obligation of a worker to accomplish an assigned job or task . accountability is created , but it cannot be delegated away .
Barriers to Delegation
A - The person who delegates remains accountable for the work .
B- A manger fears that a subordinate will do the work so well that he or she will attract the notice of top management .
C - spme mangers are so disorganized that they simply can't plan and assign work effectively
part 2 soon...
بعد الانتهاء من القراء .. اتمني سماع اراءكم و ملاحظتكم حول الموضوع
انا حاضر لاي استفسار عن اي معني لاي تعبير
و ايضا انتظروا مني المزيد من المقالات في الاداره .