تم بحمد لله وتوفيقة مناقشة هذه الرسالة المقدمة من الطالب حسام يوسف ابوجعفر لاستكمال متطلبات الحصول على درجة الإجازة العالية(الماجستير) في ادارة الاعمال بأكاديمية الدراسات العليا/طرابلس- ليبيا. وكانت لجنة المناقشة متكونه من :د.أحمد بلعيد كريدان(رئيسا ومشرف)د.البهلول الفقي(ممتحن)د.انعام الشهربلي(ممتحن).وتم اجازة هذه الرسالة مع تعديلات طفيفة جدا وبتقدير ممتاز.وكانت هذه الرسالة الاولي من نوعها في ليبيا والوطن العربي تم فيها تصميم نموذج لتطبيق نظام ادارة المعرفة باستخدام نموذج القدرة علي النضوج المستخدم في البرمجيات تم تطويره من قبل الباحث لاستخدامه في قياس مستوى وتفييم مستوى تطبيق نظام ادارة المعرفةKMMM المستخدم في الدول الاجنبية كاليابان واوربا وامريكا وتطبيقها على شركات التامين والليبية بعتبارها قطاع معرفة واعتمدت الدراسة على المراجع والدراسات الاجنبية.بدرجة عالية وفي مايلي ملخص الدراسة:

Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Academy of Postgraduate Studies – Tripoli
Administration Department
“ Department of Administarion Information Systems “
A study Titled :
“ Knowledge Management System Applications : A n analytical study to Insurance Sector As A Sample for Application “
An introduction for the fulfillment of the requirements for obtaining Higher License ( Master ) Degree in Administrative Information Systems
By Scholar :
Housam Yousef Amer Aboujafer
Supervised By:
Dr. Ahmed Belaid Salem Kraidan
March 2011
This study deals with knowledge management system applications : An analytical study to insurance sector as a sample for the aplication , the study underlines a group of questions mainly : To which extent the local envoronmental conditions that within its frame , the sector subject of study functions , assist in the application of the knowledge management system? And what is the level of applying the knowledge management system in the sector subject of the study ? and why there is lack in supporting the application of the knowledge management system within the sector subject of the study ? . This study intend to achieving a group of objectives mainly : studying the knowledge management system applications – Identifying the obstcles that prevent from applying the knowledge management system within the sector subject of the study . Based on the nature of the problem of the study and their caused , research asumptions were formulated which are linked to the variables relevant to the phenomenon subjected to study . The study adopted in achieving its objectives and assumptions the analytical method which is considered as one of the descriptive methods and the initial data were collected from variant sources such as library screening represented in manners relevant to the subject of study which its majority came out of westren point of view due to the newly raised issue andd from the field part of the study through using questinnaire form that was deigned for such purpose and distributed on random cautious sample population class that reached 379 entry of the study population represented in all employees of insurance sector in Tripoli –Jamahiriya whose number reached around ( 1000 Entry ) . The study concluded a group of results ,mainly the folowing : 1-Lack in the level of higher management support in applying knowledge management system within the companies of the sector subject of the study . 2-Lack in the level of incentives 3-Lack in the level of the general policies and procedures directed toward the application of the knowledge management system . 4-Limited work through work teams at the companies of the sector subject of study . 5-Decreasing level of the participatory approach with the knowledge necessary for the applicatio of the knowledge management system at the companies of the sector subject of study . 6- The employees of the companies of the sector subject of study have skills in using information and communication technology instruments . 7- Decreasing level of information and communication technology that support the operations of knowledge management system utilization. 8- Lack in knowledge management operations support within the sector subject of study for the applicatio of knowledge management system . 9-The application of knowledge management system within the insurance services sector is still in its initial stages . 10- There is a centrifugual relationship between the utilization of information and communication technology and the operations of knowledge management system . Based on the results that have been revealed by the study , it concluded to a set of recommendations , mainly : It is necessary for the companies of the sector subject of study to move toward a phase for building up a knowledge management system ( Techniques – Technologies ) due to theimportant role of such system in achieving competitivity ability and the increasing capability in dealing with insurance risks . In addition , the study recommended the necessity to pay attention to conducting more researches in the field of knowledge management for the different sectors especially insurance services sector in Great Jamahiriya due to its main important role in the economy protection and limiting the flow of insurance premiums to abroad regardless the economic and social development that is taking place in order to build up Libya of Tomorrow … Key Words : Participations & Unions - Incentives – Organizational Concept –Work Teams – Knowledge Formation .