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الموضوع: ارجو المساعده لو سمحتم

الصورة الرمزية Ahm3d magdy
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هام ارجو المساعده لو سمحتم

Read the following case and answer relevant questions:
During the early 2000 s, a hotel chain in Egypt instituted a recruiting plan based on REFERALS from current employees. This system worked, primarily because the operation had strong, competent staff during that period. However, problems began to develop in mid 2006 as fewer and fewer people applied to fill the increasing number of position at the hotel.
Despite a shrinking pool of applications for an expanding number of jobs , the human resources manager continued to rely on the employee referral system for his labor supply .
He justified this decision by saying "Even though fewer employees are available, the employee referral method brings employees into our chain who know about our work and our expectations. That s because these people have friends working here. In the long run, this knowledge will help us keep training and orientation cost down"
Unfortunately, the managers program is failing miserably. The hotel is desperately
Short of staff. To acknowledge the problem , the hotel chain developed a new position: director of recruiting. You have been hired for this position. You have been hired for this position. You are asked to prepare a recruitment plan that taps labor supplies that your chain has failed to develop over the past several years.
Your first problem, however, is convincing the human resources director of the need for such a recruitment program.
What arguments can you use to convince the human resources director of the need to establish new recruiting methods and strategies?
Analyze the case , and suggest solutions…..

نبذه عن الكاتب
الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية
مجال العمل
أعمال ادارية

رد: ارجو المساعده لو سمحتم

First I made a report showing the shortage of applicants over the last years using the "referral program", and how that affected the company productivity and Labor turnover rate
And since the company is already short with employees so recruitment from inside might be difficult unless the company has other branches to transfer employees from. If company can hire employees internally it will be inexpensive and less cost
Second choice is by external hiring using one of these methods, depending on the budget of the company:

a. Using the applicants who apply directly to the hotel; people who come to the hotel and drop their C.V, and this strategy is inexpensive.

b. Using employments agencies, but it is expensive

If the Director of H.R. is looking to save money in recruitment, than hiring from inside is the best choice if it is possible

Good Luck

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ارجو المساعده

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ارجو المساعده

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ارجو المساعده

الحمدلله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين احتاج الى مساعده فان مشروع التخرج الذى اقوم به هو عن عمليو تقييم الاداء ومن خلال اطلاعى على المواقع الاخرى لاحظت وجود تقييم اداء... (مشاركات: 0)

ارجو المساعده

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ارجو المساعده انا مشروع تخرج قسم ادارة اعمال ومشروعى على تقييم اداء الموظف وهو تقييم سرى واحتاج المساعده فى كيفية اعداد نموذج تقييم يكون جيدا ولايوجد به اخطاء... (مشاركات: 1)

ارجو المساعده

(مشاركات: 0)

دورات تدريبية نرشحها لك

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دورة تدريبية متخصصة تهدف الى إكساب المشاركين فن وأسلوب التعامل الجيد مع المرضى، وآلية تقييم كادر ذو علم ودراية في كيفية التعامل مع المرضى ودعم الحالة النفسية لهم.

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دبلومة تسويق الخدمات الفندقية

تقدم هذه الدبلومة للمتدربين فرصة قوية لفهم وتطبيق مفاهيم التسويق في مجال الفنادق، كما تتناول الدبلومة دور التسويق في الفنادق وفي مجال الضيافة بشكل عام. وتسلط الضوء على الادوات والاساليب المستخدة في وضع استراتيجية التسويق للفندق.

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