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الموضوع: التدريب على رأس العمل On-The-Job Training Chart

الصورة الرمزية سارة نبيل
سارة نبيل غير متواجد حالياً مسئول ادارة المحتوى
نبذه عن الكاتب
مجال العمل
أعمال ادارية

التدريب على رأس العمل On-The-Job Training Chart

Step Purpose What To Do
1. Prepare the learner. ¨ To relieve tension.
¨ To establish training base.
¨ To stimulate interest.
¨ To give the trainee confidence in
performing the task.
¨ Put the trainee at ease.
¨ Find out what the trainee already knows about the
¨ Relate task to overall objective.
¨ Link task to the trainee’s experience.
¨ Make sure the trainee is comfortable to see you
perform the task clearly.
2. Present the task. ¨ To make sure the trainee understands
what to do and why.
¨ To ensure retention.
¨ To avoid giving the trainee more than
he or she can absorb.
¨ Tell, show and question carefully and patiently.
¨ Emphasize key points.
¨ Instruct clearly and completely one step at a time.
¨ Keep your words to a minimum. Stress action words.
3. Try out trainee's
¨ To be sure the trainee has learned the
correct method.
¨ To prevent poor habit development.
¨ To be sure the trainee knows how the
task is to be performed and why.
¨ To test the trainee's knowledge.
¨ To avoid putting the trainee on the job
¨ Observe the trainee perform the task without your
instruction. If the trainee commits a substantial error,
repeat Step 2.
¨ Upon correct completion of the task, have the trainee
repeat the task. This time, the trainee should explain
the task as he or she performs it.
¨ Ask questions to ensure that the key points are
4. Follow-up ¨ To show your confidence in the trainee.
¨ To give the trainee self-confidence.
¨ To be sure the trainee has been trained
¨ To foster a feeling of self-sufficiency in
¨ Make favorable comments about trainee's current
work and progress to date.
¨ Let the trainee work independently.
¨ Frequently monitor trainee's work.
¨ Gradually reduce trainee monitoring.
التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة محمد أحمد إسماعيل ; 31/5/2012 الساعة 13:34

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