السلام عليكم
عندي قضية تحتاج الى مناقشة ارجوكم تساعدونى بدي اياها اليوم ضروري
An Ethical and Legal Dilemma
Sheila Smith is the HR director for a medium-sized producer of sports apparel: T-shirts, sweats, shorts, and so on. The majority of the firm's 1000 employees work at sewing machines, but the firm also employs designers, engineers, buyers, warehouse personnel, and the full complement of office and business personnel necessary to support the production operation.
Smith is concerned about her company's ability to comply adequately with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Her immediate concern deals with a request she just received from a local not-for-profit organization that provides vocational training to people with a wide variety of physical disabilities, including those who are blind, deaf, or wheelchair bound. Smith wants very much to explore the possibility of employing some of the graduates of this training program. But she is concerned that if she begins a relationship, she will saddle her company with ever-increasing and expensive accommodation demands from disabled applicants. If she opens the door to persons who are disabled now, she wonders, will she be inviting ADA-related lawsuits later on?
Critical Thinking Questions
  1. Are Sheila Smith's concerns justified?
  2. What should Smith do now? What programs or activities should she initiate? What would be the HR department's responsibility in this situation?