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الموضوع: ساعدوني في الحل وعمل التقرير

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هام ساعدوني في الحل وعمل التقرير

TMA 01 Question
Read the article below and answer the questions that follow it:

Recruitment Difficulties Continue

Organisations Point to UK Skills Gap

28 May 2008 - British businesses still find it difficult to fill job vacancies despite the slowdown in economic growth. According to the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development’s (CIPD) annual Recruitment, Retention and Turnover Survey, no fewer than 86% of organisations are experiencing recruitment difficulties, with the majority placing the blame on a national skills deficit.

The CIPD survey found that British employers are feeling widespread effects from the U.K.'s skills gap. The shortage of talent is so severe that any increase in the job market’s pool of applicants caused by the ‘credit crunch’ may not help.

Over 70% of surveyed employers gave a ‘lack of necessary candidate skills’ as their main reason for recruitment difficulties. 42% also highlighted candidates’ lack of experience.

But are employers putting formal resourcing strategies into place to counter the problem? Only half of the surveyed organisations had done so. Many were also struggling to recruit top talent, often making do with people who currently did not have all the required skills but displayed potential. Three out of four employers used this method and 65% considered it to have the most positive effect on recruitment.

Three out of four surveyed employers regarded giving internal candidates extra training as an effective way of filling posts, but only one half actually had learning and development strategies focused at retention. A further third said they were losing staff because of the lack of career development opportunities in their organisations.

Deborah Fernon, Organisation and Resourcing Adviser for the CIPD said:

“ from an employer's perspective, one of the positive outcomes of the job slowdown might have been an easing of recruitment difficulties. But these problems have persisted and there is still a struggle to find and hold on to the right people. If bosses want to come out of the downturn with a competitive advantage, they would do well to implement strategies aimed at attracting and retaining the right staff.

“ Organisation should also have a look at their learning and development strategies, which can help meet business demands in two ways. Firstly, those employees that have development opportunities are more likely to stay, which reduces turnover. Secondly, a good learning and development culture will foster a strong employer brand, helping to attract key talent.”

Additional survey findings highlighted weaknesses in making the most of diversity with only 55% of surveyed organisations having formal diversity strategies. But the report has a positive element as a majority of employers are beginning to see the advantages of a diverse workforce. 83% were monitoring recruitment and/or staffing information, compared with 71% in 2007.

From https: [مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ]
downloaded on 20 February 2009

The article reports on some of the findings of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development annual recruitment survey and draws a number of key points from the report. It highlights how, surprisingly, given the prevailing economic conditions, a substantial number of organisations are having difficulty in recruiting staff to fill vacant positions. Whilst some of the problems that these organisations are experiencing relate to the perceived skills gap in the market, the report is keen to point out that the ways in which organisations themselves plan and manage their own recruitment practices does little to help them avoid the problems. There is an apparent lack of “strategies aimed at attracting and retaining the right staff”.

Imagine that you work for a food manufacturing company which has recently expanded its product range into new markets. There is already a tried and tested recruitment policy in operation, but you have been asked to advise managers about the process of selection. As part of the market growth strategy, the company needs to appoint two new sales teams. Each sales team needs to comprise a sales team leader and five sales representatives. The sales team leaders need to be highly experienced people, recruited from similar positions in other companies. The sales representatives need to be enthusiastic, personable and willing to take on new training, if necessary.

Using the material from book 2 - session 3, please answer the following questions:

Question 1
Write a brief report which explains to the managers what the key components of the selection process are and why they need to consider these when planning to select the new sales teams. In your answer, you should explain why each of these components is important. You should also discuss any differences that you think there might need to be between selecting the sales team leaders and selecting the sales representatives, particularly focusing on the problem of the skills gap identified in the article above. (65 marks)

Question 2
With reference to session 3: section 3.4, discuss what types of induction information the managers might find it useful to give to these new appointees when they start in the company. (20 marks)

Question 3
Use an Internet search engine to find out about e.recruitment. E.recruitment is a means of advertising jobs, allowing people to download job descriptions and person specifications and apply for jobs online. It is an increasingly popular means of recruitment, not least because the cost savings to the organisation can be significant. Using two Internet sites, make a note of five key points that you have learned. You should include the URLs of the two sites that you have used to inform your answer and then explain briefly why you think the information that you have taken from the sites is reliable. (15 marks)

Guidance notes for TMA 01
This TMA requires you to think about the issues of recruitment and selection. The article presented gives you some interesting insights into the problems that British companies are currently experiencing; problems that seem to be surprising given the current economic climate within the UK and across the globe. The article draws your attention to the fact that despite the rising number of people who are unemployed (referred to as ‘an increase in the job markets pool’), many companies are still having difficulty recruiting new staff. Although some blame is attributed to skills shortages, the report is keen to point out that a large part of the problem relates to the fact that many organisations do not have proper recruitment and selection processes and systems. Your assignment question put you in a position where you are asked to advise managers about the selection of two new groups of staff, two sales team leaders and two sales teams.

Question 1
This question requires you to draw on the materials found in book 2-section 3. Section 3.3 may be particularly helpful for identifying the key components of the selection system. You will then need to think about why each of these is important and to explain this in a report format to the managers. Use your own thoughts and ideas here, as well is basing your explanation on the information contained in book 2. You are also asked to think about whether or not the selection processes used for the sales team leaders and the sales representatives should be the same or whether it should be different. In answering this part of the question, you should make reference to the skills gap discussion in the article. There is no right or wrong answer here, but you need to present a sound discussion in support of your ideas. You will need to address all aspects of the question above in order to gain a high mark.

Question 2
This question takes you one step forwards from the selection process to look at the issue of induction. As new employees start with the company, they need to get used to new people, new surroundings and new ways of working. The information that managers provide to new staff can make it much easier (and quicker) for people to settle in to their new jobs and their new company. Basing your answer on section 3.4, you should discuss the types of information that managers might reasonably give to people to help them to settle into the organisation. You should make sure that what you present here is a discussion and not just a list. Your answer should explain briefly why the different types of information are important.

Question 3
This question requires you to look at different aspects of recruitment, one of which is becoming increasingly popular, that of e.recruitment. For this part of your assignment, you are asked to use an Internet search engine to find out about e.recruitment. From your search, you should choose two websites which you will use to gather information about e.recruitment. You should present some of what you have learned from this information as five key points. Your answer also needs to include the URLs for each site. You will also need to explain briefly why you think the information that you have gathered from the Internet is reliable and trustworthy.

Remember that the word limit for this TMA is 1500 words, but that the URLs (Q.3), headings, references, title page, any diagrams and the executive summary are NOT included in the word count.

Use the following headings (below) to make up the different sections of your report:

Title and Contents page

Executive summary
Recruitment Difficulties Continue
· identify key components of the selection process and explain why these are important (you may wish to divide this with subheadings for each component)
· discuss any differences you think there should be between selecting the sales team leaders and the sales representatives
· discuss the types of induction information management might usefully give to new staff
· five key learning points about e.recruitment from the Internet and why you think the sources used were trustworthy

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رد: ساعدوني في الحل وعمل التقرير

والله ياعزيزي انا اقرى انجليزي بس بصراحه لو بقعد اقرى طلبك هذا كله راح نص اليوم
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etaiwi غير متواجد حالياً مستشار
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رد: ساعدوني في الحل وعمل التقرير

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