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الموضوع: Area Sales Manager

مشاهدة المواضيع

الصورة الرمزية Ahm3d magdy
Ahm3d magdy غير متواجد حالياً مبادر
نبذه عن الكاتب
مجال العمل
موارد بشرية

هام Area Sales Manager

.(Multinational Company Require Sales Manager ( Cairo

:Job Description
1.Develops long term sales strategy and leads implementation to achieve companys business targets. 2.Determines annual gross-profit plans by implementing sales strategies; analyzing trends and results. 3.Establishes sales objectives by forecasting and developing annual sales quotas for regions and territories; projecting expected sales volume and profit for existing and new products and selecting new distributors. 4.Maintains sales volume, product mix, and selling price by keeping current with supply and demand, changing trends, economic indicators, and competitors. 5.Maintains sales staff job results by counseling and disciplining employees; planning, monitoring, and appraising job results. 6.Provides leadership through effective communication of vision, active coaching and development while comparing sales results to goals and taking appropriate action to correct when necessary. 7.Prepares & manages to meet/exceed monthly, quarterly and annual sales forecasts. 8.Establish effective relationships and collaborations with other departments (Marketing, Finance, Customer Service, etc.) to address key business issues and opportunities. 9.Maintain competitive knowledge to create and adjust sales strategies. 10.Develops long term sales strategy and leads implementation to achieve companys business targets. 11.Prepares necessary periodic reports to Sales & Marketing Director. Discusses challenges arising, including sales operations
Bachelor degree in business administration/ Marketing. •Sales & Marketing diploma / MBA is proffered. Experience: •Minimum 10 years’ experience in sales & marketing field with a reputable FMCG company in Egypt. •Minimum 3 years of experience as a Sales Manage
.Please Send your C.V

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Ahm3d magdy ; 10/10/2013 الساعة 10:50 سبب آخر: تعديل مسمي الوظيفي

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دورات تدريبية نرشحها لك

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برنامج ادارة النفايات الطبية والمواد الخطرة

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كورس نظام إدارة الجودة ISO 9001:2015

كورس تدريبي متخصص لكل العاملين في مجال الجودة او العاملين في المؤسسات التي تطبق او تسعى الى تطبيق انظمة الجودة حيث يؤهلهم هذا البرنامج التدريبي للقيام بالمهام الوظيفية لكاملة طبقا لنظام ادارة الجودة أيزو 9001:2015

أحدث الملفات والنماذج