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الموضوع: Accountant / Senior Accountant --- Urgently Required

الصورة الرمزية al-hanon
al-hanon غير متواجد حالياً مبادر
نبذه عن الكاتب
المملكة العربية السعودية
مجال العمل
تجارة ومحاسبة

Accountant / Senior Accountant --- Urgently Required

Accounting Vacancy

We’re searching for a energetic, ambitious Accountant / Senior Accountant (around 30 years old) who will grow and develop with the company.

You’ll be reported directly to the CFO. The CFO is a well-educated, dynamic entrepreneur, searching for his ‘right-hand man’.



  • Bachelor’s Degree in Accounting

  • Must currently reside in KSA.

  • At least 3 years experience in KSA

  • Minimum 6 years’ experience in a financial accountant role & previous experience

Some responsibilities will include and not limited

  • Maintain General Ledger:
    - Maintain the Chart of Accounts;
    - Checking & Process JVs;
    - Prepare monthly bank reconciliation;
    - Reconcile other Control Accounts;
    - Maintain the Fixed Assets Register.

- Monitor cash balances and requirements.
- Prepare and present cash flow forecast.
- Ability to analyze financial data and to prepare accurate reports in a
timely fashion.

  • Ensure accounting books are updated and maintained accurately through passing of JV, CV, RV and PV and other accounting standards.

  • Liaise with bank and other financial institutions as required

  • Prepare Variance Analysis Report (Budget vs. Actual)

  • Prepare periodically financial reports into excel spread sheet for the management

  • Finalizing independently, the year end accounts in liaise with statutory


  • Routine Administrative work

  • Proficient in Microsoft office applications and other accounting software and have the skills and experience needed to work on ERP system.

  • Excellent written and verbal communication in English.

  • Excellent written and verbal communication in Arabic (native language).

  • Ability to work in a fast paced environment.

  • Team player who can build relationships with employees and external contacts.

  • Ability to handle pressure and deliver results.

  • Attention to detail, honest and trustworthy.

If you have all the skills and experience required please apply now! Due to high volume of received applications, we are unable to respond to each application on individual basis therefore only successful candidates will be contacted.

Send your CV to The CFO e-mail address:

[مشاهدة الروابط متاحة فقط لأعضاء المنتدى .. ]

About the Company

Formed in 2007 in AL-Khobar City at Saudi Arabia , a premier holding company investing in various sectors including construction, engineering services, Electro mechanic, steel & aluminum fabrication, real estate, retail, Water, Sewage, Electricity, etc. The company started with some affiliates that are in existence over the last few years.

الصورة الرمزية al-hanon
al-hanon غير متواجد حالياً مبادر
نبذه عن الكاتب
المملكة العربية السعودية
مجال العمل
تجارة ومحاسبة

رد: Accountant / Senior Accountant --- Urgently Required

السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

ايه يا جماعة ، خلاص كل المحاسبين اشتغلوا و لا ايه ؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟؟

لسه عايزين محاسب ، يلا ارسلو السيرة الذاتية .. بس المهم يكون كويس في الانجليزي

و الله الموفق

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