Exhibit 9.13: Mission Statement Worksheet
Strategic Planning for your Department
Developing your Mission Statement
A “Mission Statement”:
· Describes the basic nature and concept of the department
· Tells the world who you are and what you do
· A broad, succinct, meaningful statement for the existence of the department
· Is a focal point for identifying your purpose
· Describes principle products, services, clients, and markets
· Helps to define the boundaries of the department within the university
· Guides strategy formation, establishes standards for organizational performance, and shapes standards for individual ethical behavior
· Provides guidelines for operational planning, budgeting, organizational development, and staffing
· A working document that should be used to guide and manage operations
1. What products and/or services do we provide?
2. What are our major inputs?
3. Who are our customers/constituents, internal and external?
4. What are the needs of our customers/constituents?
5. What do our customers/constituents value?
6. What is unique about our department?
1. Answer questions 1-6 individually
2. As a team, brainstorm key words or phrases you’d like to see in your department’s mission statement:
3. Develop the mission statement
4. Ensure alignment with that of the university
Our draft mission statement:
We are . . .