السلام عليكم دكتور وليد
انا طالبة عندي بحث يتكون من ثلاث أسئلة أحس نفسي في ورطة بالفعل دكتور لم أستطيع حل هذا البحث اول مرة تواجهني صعوبه في حل بحث راجيه منك مساعدتي في حله وجزاك الله جنات النعيم وطموحي ان اكمل البكالوريوس ولن اتعداه الا بحل هذا البحث ما شاء الله دكتور تملك علم غزير وشهادات وفقك الله في الدنيا والاخره البحث بشكل عام عن القيادة لكن واجهتني صعوبة في حل الاسئله دكتور

Bob Rose Buick has cornered the automotive market in Dayton Ohio literally and figuratively. Located at a major highway intersection in Dayton it has been the number one Buick dealer in Ohio for five consecutive years. Following the unexpected and untimely death of founder Bob Ross Sr., his wife, Norma took over as president and CEO, and son Robert Jr. And daughter Jenell became co-vice presidents. Norma said, it never occurred to us to sell or combine the business or away from it all. In fact, one day after Bob death, Norma and her children came together as a united front to prove to employees, customers, and auto representatives that they could continue what Bob Sr. Had build.
What Bob Ross Sr. had built was a business with a legacy of excellence and prosperity. He stared as a car salesman in 1962 and distinguished himself by qualifying for 10 years straight for the Buick Sales master club. His accomplishments led to him being selected to participate in master club. His accomplishment led to him being selected to participate in the very first class of the prestigious General Motors Minority Dealer Academy, and bob was the graduate of the program to the awarded a GM dealership. For almost 20 years, he built his business into one of the premiere automobile facilities in the Dayton area.
It wasn't just bob's business acumen that contributed to his company's excellence and success. Daughter Jenell said, ''Dad always fostered the philosophy that we're only as good as our employee.'' He treated his employees well, and employee satisfaction was high. Many of the employees had been with the company for years.
Norma Ross has big shoes to fill. She has the leadership challenge of following someone who was loved and respected by his employees. Jenell explained, ''When any leader dies, that is the biggest time when people leave ship.'' Put yourself in Normal Ross's position, what would you do?
1-Describe Bob Sr. as a leader in GM?
2-Critically discuss two possible negative impacts that may occur in the organization as a result of the death of Bob Sr.
3-Identify two possible strategies that Norma has to establish to create a culture of trust with the business employees so that they remain loyal and committed to the organization?