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الموضوع: HR Specialist job description

الصورة الرمزية Nesma.Mohamed
Nesma.Mohamed غير متواجد حالياً مسئول ادارة المحتوى
نبذه عن الكاتب
مجال العمل
أعمال ادارية

HR Specialist job description

Job Description

Position: HR Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities:
Human Resource Function

• Maintains personnel files in compliance with applicable requirements.

• Keeps employee records up-to-date by processing employee status changes in timely

• Processes personnel action forms and assures proper approvals; disseminates approved forms.

• Maintains budget spreadsheet that includes salaries, payroll taxes and fringe allowances.

• Prepares paperwork required to place employee on payroll and establishes personnel file.
• Assists in hiring process by coordinating job posting on Web site, reviewing resumes,

performing telephone interviews and reference checks.
• Maintains Employee Handbook with updated resolutions and other pertinent

information, as needed.
Office Administration

• Troubleshoots telephone and voice mail system; handles minor repairs and coordinates repairs with technicians when required.

• Provides training for new and current employees on communication systems, including telephone and voice mail.

• Supervises receptionist, delegates projects as appropriate, and assures coverage of switchboard in receptionist’s absence.

• Oversees special events for staff by coordinating committees and schedules, and staying within budget.

Qualification Requirements:

Education and Work Experience
1. High school diploma or equivalent with some college or technical school coursework

2. Minimum of three (3) years of job-related experience, preferably in a human resource department.

3. Technical experience, including responsibility for maintaining computer systems
Or any equivalent combination of education and experience that provides the required

knowledge, skills and abilities.
Knowledge and Skills

• Proficiency in or knowledge of using a variety of computer software applications,

especially Excel and Microsoft Word software.
• High level of interpersonal skills to handle sensitive and confidential situations and


• Knowledge of office administration procedures.

• Ability to operate most standard office equipment.
• Attention to detail in composing, typing and proofing materials, establishing priorities

and meeting deadlines.

• Good to excellent spelling, grammar and written communication skills.

• Excellent telephone and oral communication skills.

• Ability to maintain a high level of confidentiality.

الصورة الرمزية samerhassan82
samerhassan82 غير متواجد حالياً مستشار
نبذه عن الكاتب
مجال العمل
موارد بشرية

رد: HR Specialist job description

شكراجزيلا اخي الكريم.............

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رد: HR Specialist job description

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رد: HR Specialist job description

Thank you brother for your participation

الصورة الرمزية banhawi
banhawi غير متواجد حالياً مبادر
نبذه عن الكاتب
مجال العمل
موارد بشرية

رد: HR Specialist job description

مجهود جميل واتمنى اثراء المحتوى بالمزيد

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بطاقة وصف وظيفي Job Description

Date _______________________________ Prepared By_________________________ Title ________________________________ Department__________________________ (مشاركات: 0)

نموذج 24 Job Description وصف وظيفي.

(مشاركات: 11)

HR Specialist job description

Job Description Position: HR Specialist Duties and Responsibilities: Human Resource Function • Maintains personnel files in compliance with applicable requirements. • Keeps employee records... (مشاركات: 1)

الوصف الوظيفي = Job Description = Description du poste

6. الوصف الوظيفي = Job Description = Description du poste قائمة بواجبات وظيفة معينة ومسئولياتها وعلاقاتها وظروف ممارستها والإشراف الذي تخضع لها و الإشراف الذي تمارسه. (مشاركات: 2)

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