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الموضوع: please help me

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مملكة البحرين
مجال العمل
تجارة ومحاسبة

Post please help me

السلاام عليكم
بليز سااعدووني
في اجاابة سؤاالين مهمين
Explain the results from measuring and managing performance inform employee development in the organization ???

Assess the importance of measuring and managing employee performance in the organization????

الصورة الرمزية halim2008
halim2008 غير متواجد حالياً نشيط
نبذه عن الكاتب
مجال العمل
تدريس وتدريب

رد: please help me

I have try to help and found teh following may help:
1) Explain the results from measuring and managing performance for employees?

The results of measuring and managing performance can be summarized in the following :

* To ensure that the employee

- Understands what is expected of him/her.
- Is told how well he/she is doing.
- Is told how to improve his or her performance.
- Rating the employee performance for consideration of salary increase ..etc.

* To provide a communication tool to help the supervisors./ managers

- Get the optimum contribution from the employee
- Develop the employee
- Maintain an accurate assessment of the capabilities of the employee.
- Maintain good employee morale.
- Eliminate potential disciplinary problems

* To keep management informed about

- The present capabilities and future potential of the employee
- The availability of qualified employees to fill future staffing needs.

2) Assess the importance of measuring and managing employee performance in the organization????

In every workplace, it is important to assess how employees perform. This is the only decent or acceptable way to reach out to the employees and inform them of their shortcomings and the good things they have done for the company.

Understanding how efficient your employees perform is critical to your business. Every year, thousands of businesses lose millions of dollars in revenue due to inefficient employees.

نبذه عن الكاتب
مملكة البحرين
مجال العمل
تجارة ومحاسبة

رد: please help me

thanks a lot my dear
its really helped me
but i was hopping to get more answer

إقرأ أيضا...
hi every one , could some one help me please?

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help me

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please help me

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مذكرة تخرج حول محاسبة الموارد البشرية

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Please Help

Hi My research paper is about training and development and its effect on motivation.....in specific the research question is: Dose training and development affect employee motivation (مشاركات: 2)

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دبلوم تخطيط الاحتياجات من المواد M.R.P

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كورس إكسل (Excel) للموارد البشرية

تغطي دورة اكسل الموارد البشرية كافة المهارات العملية التي تحتاجها في برنامج الاكسل Excel والتي تساعدك على تنظيم عملك كمدير موارد بشرية أو تعمل في شؤون الموظفين.

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